Artemas stands in blue lighting singing with a screen behind him with a mansion-like house on it.

Artemas - You're Really Early Tour


Show Design

Live Visuals

Pouring out alcohol just because, being remorse free, the mystery of the archangel,the muse; all of these are reminiscent of the character Artemas. Stemming from the word ‘descendance’, decadence is defined as a “moral or cultural decline as characterised by excessive indulgence in pleasure or luxury.” For our overall concept ‘The Allure of Hedonistic Decadence’, we allude to a destructively luxurious environment creating cult-like mystery and intrigue around his surrounding performance. Dust sheets drape in a dramatic form diffusing the light and obscuring the suggested Decadent world of Artemas from view.

show credits +

Photo credit: Marc Prodanovic, Annesha Dasgupta, Billy Zammit, Josie Greig, & Adrianne Armida